Saturday, September 24, 2011

AmiWM configuration explained

The amiwm configuration file is mostly self explanatory but will give some descriptions to assist people setting this up for the first time. Apologies for any inaccuracies as I'm typing this from memory (I'll fix things as I test later). The configuration file is stored in your home directory as .amiwmrc

Here are the parameters with descriptions;

FastQuit No - Prompt on exit amiwm
SizeBorder bottom - where the resizing handles are placed for windows
ForceMove manual - Whether windows can be moved off screen (yes/no/manual). With Manual, holding the shift key allows windows to be moved off the screen.

CustomIconsOnly yes -  uses amiga icons for applications rather than the linux icons.
IconPalette MagicWB - The color palette used (System, MagicWB, schwartz)
ShortLabelIcons yes - Whether to shorten icon labels
DefaultIcon "" - sets the default icon used when using CustomIconsOnly 

Example icon replacements when using customIconsOnly
The icon location I found to work is /usr/local/lib/amiwm/.

style { class "Navigator" icon "" }
style { class "grafx2" icon "" }
style { class "xpaint" icon "" }
style { class "xterm" icon "" }

This section is for each screen you want to set up.
Screen "Ubuntu 10.04.2 (lucid) - Workbench 1" - sets the title for the screen
Module "Background" "-tile -fullscreen /home/username/Pictures/tuxamiga1.jpg" - desktop image

TitlebarClock yes
TitleClockFormat "%a %b %e %Y   %l:%M %p"

Screen "Ubuntu 10.04.2 (lucid) - Workbench 2" - the second screen setup
Module "Background" "-tile -fullscreen /home/c915101/Pictures/tuxamiga2.jpg"
This is useful for keyboard short cuts. Only works when numlock is off
Module "Keyboard" "\

This is for the applications menu.
The format is ToolItem "<MenuEntry>" "<Command> [Arguments]"
ToolItem Separator
ToolItem "Volume" "gnome-volume-control"
ToolItem Separator
ToolItem "Apps"
       ToolItem "VirtualBox" "VirtualBox"
       ToolItem "Media Player" "/usr/bin/vlc"
       ToolItem "LibreOffice" "/opt/libreoffice/program/soffice"
       ToolItem "" "pinta"
ToolItem "Tools"
       ToolItem "Calculator" "gcalctool"
       ToolItem "AMOS" "sdlBasic"
       ToolItem "Deluxe Paint" "grafx2"
       ToolItem "DirOpus" "worker"

I'm using defaults but you can also set up custom colors for the windows borders;
Bardetailpen "green"
Backgroundpen "black"
Barblockpen "black"
Highlighttextpen "blue"
Textpen "green"
Filltextpen "green"
Fillpen "black"
Bartrimpen "green"
Shadowpen "green"
Shinepen "blue"
Blockpen "yellow"
Detailpen "red"

Useful only for latest BZR version (asking permission before providing links) 
Module "Launcher" "(Computer) ( (rox-filer -n /) (VLC) ( (vlc)"
Module "Launcher" "(Home) ( (rox-filer -n ~) (VLC) ( (vlc)"
Module "Launcher" "(RamDisk) ( (rox-filer -n /mnt/ramdisk) (VLC) ( (vlc)"

My unedited .amiwmrc file


  1. Remeber to update to the most recent version of AmiWM to get the features and fixes, the new versions is not available in any ubuntu repo or in debian. the version in ubuntu and debian is from 1998. The looks and config is pretty much the same though.

  2. It's not documented, but you can also set "opaquemove" and "opaqueresize" properties in amiwmrc.

    1. Tinsoldier, Thanks that is going into my config. Is that one old or one of the newer features?

  3. I've also started using the opaquemove property which improves the visuals nicely (I'll update this entry when I get a moment).

    Watch this space because, after a long break I'm back looking at amiwm again, hoping to make it more compatible with new Window Managers as well as adding some features.

  4. I've started using AmiWM yesterday and your post was incredibly helpful, thank you so much! :)

    The only downside is that it seems like AmiWM is not that active anymore in terms of development :( You mentioned a BZR version in your post with new features, like the launchers which would come in handy so much (I'm used to them on AmigaOS 4.1 as well!). I know this blog post is somewhat older, but do you happen to know where I can find that BZR version?

  5. Yes. Marcus is happy for me to provide that info.
    'bzr ls'
    It's an SCM repository. You can get a copy with full history using 'bzr branch', or just a snapshot of the latest version with 'bzr export'.

    I wish I had more time to muck around with this window manager. I have so many ideas.
